Selected Bibliography


  • “Active Listening: Hear What People Are Really Saying.” Mind Tools.
  • “Active Listening Handout: Seven Active Techniques Used by Hostage Negotiators.” Adapted from On-Scene Guide for Crisis Negotiators, Frederick J. Lanceley, Boca Raton, CRC Press, 1999, pp. 20-24.
  • “An Introduction to Nonviolent Communication.” Center for School Transformation.
  • Andrade, Father Joachim. “Interculturalism in Religious Communities – New Ways to Live.” Religious Life Consecrated in the Process of Transformation, by Luis Carol Susin, São Paulo: Paulinas, 2015.
  • Center for Nonviolent Communication. “An Introduction to Nonviolent Communication.” NVC Center for School Transformation.
  • Chitolina, Adaltro. “Listening: A Difficult Art.” May 24, 2017.
  • “Conflict Resolution Skills.” Edmunds Community College Counseling and Resource Center.
  • “Conflict Resolution Worksheet.” Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
  • “Culture vs Diversity. Difference Between Culture and Diversity.” Difference Between.
  • “Diversity and Difference.” University of the West of England.
  • Kendrick, Gregg. “Awareness of Feelings.” Needs-based Communication.
  • Morales, Griselda Martinez. Beleza do Trançado. May 24, 2017, Powerpoint Presentation.
  • Oak, Manali. “7 Major Characteristics of Culture That are Essential for Life.” Buzzle.
  • Oak, Manali. “A Brief Overview of the Importance of Culture.” Buzzle.
  • Oak, Manali. “Five Characteristics of Culture.” Buzzle.
  • Rosenberg, Marshall. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. 2nd edition,
    Puddledancer Press, 2003.


  • Armstrong, Louis. “What a Wonderful World.” MP3 file, September 1967.
  • Axel. “We are One.” MP3 file, December, 2018.
  • ”Fuego Santo.” MP3 file, January 2017.
  • Kolling, Míria T. “Cada manhã.” April 26, 2019.
  • “Laudato si et le Charisme des Sœurs de Saint Joseph.” MP3 file.
  • Lebel, Robert. “Pour Un Grande Amour-Unidas Por Un Gran Amor.” MP3 file, May 2017.
  • Lennon, John. “Stand by Me.” MP3 file, March 1975.
  • Marley, Bob. “One Love.” MP3 file, 1977.
  • “Onde reina o amor.” 1980.
  • Pegoraro, Humberto. “The Beauty of the Fabric.” MP3 file.
  • Perales, José Luis. “Que canten los ninós.” MP3 file, 1986.
  • Santa Clara de Assis. “Não perca de vista seu ponto de partida.” MP3 file.
  • Soso, Mercedes. “Gracias a la vida.” MP3 file, October 2009.
  • Thomsen, Sara. “Where Is My Heart.” MP3 file, January 2008.
  • Turra, Frei Luiz. “Ó luz do Senhor.” MP3 file, 2016.
  • Vestes de Alegria, Tatiana Piva & Flávio de Souza. “Trindade amor.” MP3 file, 2010.


  • Axel, Gabriel. “Babettes Feast.” New Yorker Films, 2002.
  • Beauvois, Xavier. “Of Men and Gods (Des Hommes Et Dieux).” Documentary Educational Resources (DER), 2002.
  • Brown, Brené. “El Poder De La Empatía.” Oct. 2017.
  • Hazeldine, Stuart. “The Shack.” Summit Entertainment, 2017.
  • Hilligoss, Nick. “Turtle World.” Natural History Unit, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 1996.
  • Launenstein, Christoph and Wolfgang. “Balance.” 2012.
  • “Nishnawbe-Aski: the People and the Land.” National Film Board of Canada, 1977.
  • Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye. “We Are All Connected.” Oct. 2009.
  • Cadelago, Andrew. “Snack Attack: Body Hits, Series 3.” 2012.
  • Tey, Ting Chian. “The Bridge.” May 2010.
  • Tshibanda, Pie. ''Un fou Noir au Pays des Blancs.” Dreamsfall.
  • Wilson, Phyllis. “Nishnawbe-Aski: The People and the Land.” ONE NFB.