Design Team:

  • Carol Coburn, Ph.D. (Avila University, Kansas City, Missouri, USA)
  • Sister Lorraine Delaney (Chambery, India)
  • Sister Janet Gagnon (Lyon, USA)
  • Sister Griselda Martínez Morales (Lyon, Mexico)
  • Ken Parsons, Ph.D. (Avila University, Kansas City, Missouri, USA)
  • Sister Gloria Philip (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Sister Maria del Pilar (Lyon, Egypt, originally from Mexico)
  • Sister Maria Louise Ralisoa (Aoste, Madagascar and currently serving in Ivory Coast)
  • Sister Bella Benedicte Sage (Institute St. Joseph, Ivory Coast originally from Senegal)
  • Sister Eva Solomon, D. Min. (Member of the Anishinaabe Henvey Inlet First Nation Reserve and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie, Canada)
  • Sister Eliza Zuannazzi (Chambery, Brazil)

Translation Team:

  • Paola Ghezzo
  • Teresa Lorenz-Do, Ph.D.
  • Luis de Mesa Galindo
  • Monica Mingucci, Ph.D.
  • Sandrine Molinengo Salas
  • Kathryn Toure

Live Interpretation Team:

  • Sr. Mary McGlone
  • Sr. Maria Elisabete (Bete) Reis
  • Sr. Simone Saugues
  • Sr. María Josefina (Pepis) Sordo Linares

CDCM Logo Design by Ana Cristina López Flores

Photo Credit: Ken Parsons, Ph.D. 

Cultural Diversity Grant Writers: Sr. Patty Johnson & Sr. Irene O'Neill

Sponsored by the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph

Funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation